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Who are we?

Our Creative Kidz community is one of empowerment — we believe that the sky’s the limit with regards to the learning potential of children. With the right tools, resources and community, great accomplishment can be made.


Helping children lead lives that are both responsible and fulfilling is our goal. We believe that learning can be fun and we’re setting out to be a resource centre that helps your child thrive while incorporating education in a fun, creative, engaging way.


Our vision for this platform is to become your one-stop-shop for ALL things kids. From tools and resources to education and creative collaborations — we want to save you time and energy searching for the next best educator, facilitator or representative for child. We look forward to being your partners in growth!

Anyone can learn anything.

The Importance of Education

It is no secret that a good education transforms lives. What is new is the growing demand for this transformation within government, middle class and employer sectors. Properly equipping citizens for the global workforce, investing in the education of our families and training employees with the necessary skill sets required to flourish in the 21st century have become top priority.


Much progress has been made yet there is so much more work to be done.

“Great education has the power to change lives, transform nations and create a better future for the collective.”
 -- Lauren Parente

Did you know?

Over twenty percent of adults lack the written communication skills they need to progress in life, and over 55 million children have never stepped inside a classroom. Many millions more are being educated, but not learning effectively.


The global challenge for education is not just about providing access, but also about broadening perspectives, inspiring creativity and enabling progress.


As the world’s first Perspective Shifts and Inspired Minds learning platform, we can help make a difference!


What distinguishes us from the traditional is our approach. We combine our Perspective Shifts and Inspired Minds Teaching Models with our 3 C’s learning formula — creation, collaboration and community to encourage a healthy, unlimited and stimulated environment for learning.


Because our long term vision for global empowerment and transformation is too immense to tackle alone, we're championing a global community of teachers, parents, students, governments, institutions and businesses, to support and contribute to our diverse collection of training, tools and resources necessary for change.


We understand that our children are our future. Together with our global community, it is our goal to transform nations. With this, we begin with a solid investment in young minds — inspiring a love for learning, creating and exploring.

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